Ardentinny Walks at Cowalfest 2011

Cowalfest is organised by the Cowal Walking Festival Association. The festival is a community led initiative, drawing together community groups, local businesses and individuals to deliver an annual walking and arts festival. This year Ardentinny and its Glenfinart Walled Garden project is participating in Cowalfest for the first time.

Ardentinny Walks

Walk 65 – Glenfinart Walled Garden
Saturday 15 Oct 2011
FREE (No booking necessary)
Time: 10.30
Facilitator: Ardentinny Walled Garden Committee
Distance/Time: 1 miles/0.5 hours
Start/Finish: Forestry car park, Finart Bay
Come and see the site for this new community project and the exhibition about the proposals for this Walled Garden.
Booking not necessary. Donations to the Walled Garden project.

Walk 66 – Ardentinny Discovery Trail
Saturday 15 Oct 2011
Time: 11.00
Facilitator: Kevin Firth
Distance/Time: 2 miles/2 hours
Start/Finish: Car park at Ardentinny Church
Journey back to the days of Glenfinnart Estate and a beach used to practise for the Normandy landings. From the Church take the coastal path, cross the River Finnart to join the “Discovery Trail” of birch and oak woods with wonderful views of the Clyde Estuary. On the former wartime camp near the beach, returning along the shore to rejoin the coastal path back to the Church.

Walk 69 – Glenfinart Walled Garden
Saturday 15 Oct 2011
FREE (no booking necessary)
Time: 13.00
Facilitator Ardentinny Walled Garden Committee
Distance/Time 1 miles/0.5 hours
Start/Finish: Forestry car park, Finart Bay
Come and see the site for this new community project and the exhibition about the proposals for this Walled Garden.
Booking not necessary. Donations to the Walled Garden project.

Walk 70 – Ardentinny to Laird’s Grave
Saturday 15 Oct 2011
Time: 13.30
Facilitator: Kevin Firth
Distance/Time: 3 miles/2 hours
Start/Finish: Forestry car park, Finart Bay
Minibus back to start.
A short, circular walk taking in the lonely grave of Archibald Douglas high on the wooded hill slope. Wonderful views over Glenfinart.

Walks 65 and 69 are free of charge – donations welcome in aid of Glenfinart Walled Garden project.
Bookings for Walks 66 and 70 can be made at Tourist Information Centre, Alexandra Parade, Dunoon. Telephone – 01369 703785. email –, online at and at Seasons Coffee House, Alexandra Parade, Dunoon.

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