Fish Farm Opposition grows


There is growing opposition to Dawnfresh Trout Farm proposals for Ardentinny and the Firth of Clyde. As reported in the Largs and Millport Weekly News, The Clyde Mammal Marine Project opposes them for the potential negative effects on local porpoise and seal populations and a petition to stop the proposed Cumbrae fish farms has so far gathered 1,533 signatures. In addition, Clyde Mammal Marine Project has offered to present its project findings. There has also been an offer of support and advice for the Ardentinny community from the saveseilsound campaign group.

At the forthcoming Ardentinny community council meeting on Monday 1 April at 7 p.m. (agenda item 12) there will be an update on the Dawnfresh meeting of the 11th March and a proposal re. the formation of an opposition group.

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5 years ago

I understand that there was a meeting on April 1st, can anyone please provide any feedback or minutes ? Undoubtedly whatever justifications DFF give it will effectively ruin the wonderful community and beauty around Ardentinny. To offer employment as an inducement to a community which is predominantly retired is ridiculous and the increased noise, traffic let alone potential harm to sea life is totally unacceptable.
At the end of the day , it is they (DFF) who are inviting themselves and are a commercial venture seeking profit no matter how disguised.

5 years ago

Hello. In the process of purchasing a house in Ardentinny and would appreciate any updates regarding the proposed fish farm .
Clearly this would effect the local environment and I’m sure there must be concern .

5 years ago

Formation of an opposition group coordinated with other concerned parties will indeed be important . Anyone interested or with concerns should make sure their names are put forward.