Glenfinart Garden orchard – Two years on

IMG_1177-2-1 On January 31st, two years to the day the new orchard was planted in Glenfinart Walled Garden, a group of volunteers gathered to learn some pruning skills and do a fruit tree health check.  The workshop was led by popular permaculturist, Ceci Alderton, from Strachur  who reassured us that all the young trees were doing well.   What could be a better way of spending a frosty, sunny day, with a birthday celebration for the treasurer of A.C.T. , and superb vegetable soup and sandwiches?

Most of the trees are adopted by local residents, including our enthusiastic and renowned patron, Sophie Thomson. However there are a few still to be claimed and anyone who would like to adopt a Red Devil,  an egremount russet, a Katy eating apple, an Invincible pear, an Arthur Turner cooking Apple or a Czar or Victoria Plum… please get in touch.  No work involved.. just a blessing.

Merle Ferguson. 





Tree planting – January 2013.
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