Walled Garden season culminates with Harvest Fair

Glenfinart Walled Garden’s open season culminated in a successful Harvest Fair on Saturday. Despite an overcast start, the weather was kind and a piper opened proceedings which heralded in a steady stream of visitors throughout the day.

Over and above the impressive garden setting, there was much on offer. The Food Tasting marquee provided delicious vegetable soup and curries made from the walled garden’s organic produce; there was apple pressing and fresh juice from the orchard; and the ubiquitous Tea Tent was a constant hub of activity with its impressive home baking and irresistible Tombola.

Bill Tierney and friends provided fantastic live music throughout the afternoon and the kids were kept entertained in the story-telling tent; mask-making in the hut; delving into the Lucky Dip; and wish-making for the Wishing Tree. Add to that (foam rubber) fencing; archery; and the opportunity to glaze and fire your own pot with the garden’s resident ceramicist, it was little wonder most visitors spent several hours enjoying the event.

Ardentinny Community Trust is indebted to all who helped make the day the success it was.

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