The bag packers guide…

Arentinny Community Trust goes bag packing at Morrisons in Dunoon and find that the public mostly know about the Garden project  and are delighted to have it happening in Cowal.  Merle Ferguson provides some tips for future bagpacking…

Having had a great day on Saturday at Morrisons supermarket, Dunoon bag packing for the Walled Garden Funds.:

1. You have to book very far ahead so don’t do as we did and have the actual day sneak up on you, like Christmas does, when you think its ages away.
2. At least 2 months before your allocated date, and before they can organize to do something else that day, ask friends and  villagers  for a couple of hours of their time. We had more than  eight  good people  who would have come (seriously) if they weren’t otherwise booked.
3.  Have  some extra folks in reserve  because someone’s bound to have to pull out on the day.
4.  Don’t put a notice asking for volunteers on the village notice board.  It doesn’t work. Well, would you make the telephone call? Be honest.
5.  Help  your till manager by dressing up  to cheer up those faces looking at you while  queuing (especially the kids). Everyone is actually very patient in the face of  the purse fumbling, card losing, bottle breaking public (just like you and me!)  Next time we are dressing up as  fairies!! (only kidding).
6.  Three hours is the absolute maximum  to pack before taking a break… best to have three – 2hr shifts shared out.  The good bit is that  if anyone need to leave they can do just that without any fuss.
7.  When everyone tells you they’ve read about your project in the local rag and  think it’s just great for Cowal… don’t go kissing them… there isn’t time!
8. Remember to get some coin bags from the Bank and leave plenty more time for counting up the hundreds of pennies.

Merle Ferguson

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